News: Issue 7 Almost Done!

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Issue 7 Art MontageI can’t quite believe how long it’s been since we started the process of putting GUD Issue 7 together; a lot of life has happened in between for all of us on staff. But whenever I come back to this issue, I’m just as excited at the amazing work we’ve drawn together and are preparing to send out into the world. And now we’re almost there, laying it out and doing the final proofs, getting all our t’s dotted and our i’s crossed... Watch out, world!

This here blogpost comes to you with a sneak preview of the art that will appear in Issue 7. (My apologies to the artists for the aesthetics; there's a reason I don't do layout.) One of my fellow editors made the comment about Issue 4 that my art theme seemed to have been eyes; I think this time it must be hands...

- reddit, digg, facebook, stumbleupon, etc... please! ;)
posted by julia

12 comments; 7 subscribers

Wednesday, June 13, 2012 / 08:22:08
Friday, June 15, 2012 / 05:46:40
Looks nice.

On a side note, is it my imagination or have people been under the impression that submissions opened a couple of months ago? I keep seeing the number of subs steadily climbing under "submission stats".
Friday, June 15, 2012 / 06:09:48
I think subs are closed for short fiction and poetry; I'm guessing the stuff subbed must be screenplays, comics, artwork, etc..
Thursday, July 26, 2012 / 08:39:51
so close!!
Tuesday, September 4, 2012 / 11:17:51
Can you share the table of contents?
Thursday, September 6, 2012 / 11:11:11
Very soon—we're making a new list of what folks still have available for us, so there may be a few substitutions.
Saturday, September 8, 2012 / 10:47:47
I just joined up on the site, and I'm excited to read what others have to say, and submit some of my own words once the submissions re-open! Happy reading, one and all!
Monday, October 15, 2012 / 09:21:11
The glad sun.

With a
certain delight
a magical
sound returns
in the place
where your

Francesco Sinibaldi
Monday, November 12, 2012 / 08:50:19

In the sound
of a shadow
full of happiness,
near a lonesome
desire calling
the present
and a delicate

Francesco Sinibaldi
Tuesday, November 13, 2012 / 08:59:01
This was almost six months ago...
Friday, November 16, 2012 / 10:26:02
True. It's embarrassing...we're now on _two_ server failures and the failure of a main home machine. Technology has not been kind to us.

The issue is formatted excepting two pages that need to be replaced. A kickstarter has almost been fleshed out to be submitted to help make it happen.
Wednesday, December 12, 2012 / 09:21:47
El suave sol.

En el sol,
en el canto
dichoso que
llama el futuro,
en la rima
silente de una
noche estrellada....

Francesco Sinibaldi

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