Advertise on GUD

GUD Magazine heartily endorses Project Wonderful and Google AdWords. You can advertise directly on our site with either service (note the "Advertise on this site" and "Your ad here, right now" links). At the moment we are not interested in link exchanges.

Google AdWords

Adwords allows businesses to advertise on any number of sites, including this one, regardless of the size of their budget. Ad campaigns can be set up to target based on keywords, geographical location of the visitor, and/or individual websites. They handle the most common sizes of ads and allow text, image or video.

Project Wonderful

Project Wonderful is all about making online advertising a happier and more profitable experience for everyone involved. Find out more about how they can get your message out, and how your website can earn you money. Project Wonderful is a simple investment where you can spend as little as pennies a day (or nothing at all, with some restrictions); or earn whatever the bidding market will bear. You choose the sites you want to advertise on, and how much you're willing to pay.

Currently we are offering two sidebar buttons and one bottom of page banner.


GUD is an Amazon Associate. Support us when you buy!

Advertise in GUD

At the moment we are not considering advertising in the actual magazine itself. We consider that one of the magazine's perks. We hope our readership agrees.