News: Me! Me! Meme!
Tuesday, May 27, 2008

There's always time for a meme!
* What was the last story you read?It's hard to keep track (and we're not counting slush, of course, right?) I read through "Ruby Slippers, Golden Tears" last week. I know I'm in the middle of a number of things. I think the last story I read was one of my own, trying to figure out what I should send out for rejection (er, I mean, send out as a submission). The last short story I read... the last story in "Ruby Slippers, Golden Tears"--"The Printer's Daughter" by Delia Sherman. Highly recommended. :) I really ought to have read the new Firebox Fiction over at Night Train but haven't gotten there yet...* What was the last poem you read?I was skimming MySpace bulletins and there was one guy posting some interesting stream-of-consciousness stuff that might count as poetry. Besides that, probably something on poemranker. The last _published_ piece of poetry I read was something by Neil Gaiman ("The White Road" in "Ruby Slippers, Golden Tears").* What was the last comic you read?I read twenty+ comics daily-ish. ((some are TTh, some MWF, some just M, some just F, etc...)) I think the last one I read was The Road to God Knows, as the reminder for that went out late (for some reason I haven't added it to my "all comics" bookmarks folder--but he sends out a reminder every Monday so I know I won't forget). That reminds me I also have Murky Depths on my pile to read--lots of comics in there, and I'm looking forward to them. :)* What was the last movie you watched?I just watched the first three Indiana Jones movies (my wife had apparently never seen them). They were both better and worse than I remembered. Temple of Doom seriously annoyed me--and I remember The Last Crusade being really annoying, but I enjoyed it this time around (maybe in comparison to Temple of Doom). Amusing thing is we borrowed them on VHS--strange experience.* What song are you listening to now? Say something about it--what it means to you, who introduced you to it, something like that.I'm listening to a "genetically refined" radio station via Pandora radio--started it out with some Acid Bath and have trained it with my preferences from there. Right now, "Land of Blood" by Death Angel just started... I don't know anything about them, but odds are I'll like the song. :)* What's your guilty-reading pleasure?My daily comics :)* Say something about the last poem you wrote!Wuf. I haven't really written poetry in ages, but I've been trying to breathe a little life into poemranker of late--the last poem I wrote was a haiku entitled "Modern Stupidity". If you really want to know, you can find it from that. ;)* Say something about a story you're writing now!I haven't really written any fiction in ages, either. The biggest thing I'm "in the middle of" is DFN (stands for Dark Fantasy Novel). I haven't touched it in half a year, maybe a year--I wrote a few chapters then scrapped it, and have been tryign to refine the outline so I'm sure I've got something that I can write to (I don't usually do outlines, but I figure I might as well try as nothing else has worked to get me to finish a novel yet).* If you were a fictional character, who would be writing you?At a guess, I'd say Vonnegut.* Last story you recommended to someone?See above ;)* And a link to your favorite magazine, because they probably need your help. ;)Ooh! Ooh!* Lastly, link to a friend's copy of this quiz!Here be what Debbie wrote
And hey, we'd love to know your thoughts. Leave a comment below with a link to your answers :)
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9 comments; 0 subscribers
Tuesday, May 27, 2008 / 09:12:59
I just finished a Greg Iles Sci-fi novel, "The Footprints of God." Transhumanism is one of my interests, and it's definitely in that realm--replete with credit to Ray Kurzweil. I will let you google them and make your own judgments.
* What was the last poem you read?
A dirty limerick. No, really...before that, I reread my own 25-pager to get it ready to send to a contest. They're never done....
* What was the last comic you read?
Doonesbury I think.
* What was the last movie you watched?
Watched "Waking Life" again.
* What song are you listening to now? Say something about it--what it means to you, who introduced you to it, something like that.
If I were listening to music, it would be something by Nightwish. They finally chose a new singer and performed here in Denver last night. I think I would listen to Everdream because it has such power. My daughter introduced me to this band. We're both string musicians and have great appreciation for the power and variable colors a full orchestra can produce. Nothing like it.
* What's your guilty-reading pleasure?
Nevada Barr, Tony Hillerman. Sometimes I just need a story, you know?
* Say something about the last poem you wrote!
It explores--okay, obsesses on--the properties of glass and how human the are. Or how glasslike we are. How glass affects us, what it really might be, etc.
* Say something about a story you're writing now!
Finishing the 7th draft of a novel about adolescents and alternate sexualities. Last short story--a woman who has lived in the same house for years all of a sudden finds it changing significantly and substantially. I should submit it to GUD. :-)
* If you were a fictional character, who would be writing you?
Tom Robbins, Neil Gaiman.
* Last story you recommended to someone?
"Animals in Translation," nonfiction by Temple Grandin; "The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time," by Mark Haddon.
* And a link to your favorite magazine, because they probably need your help. ;)
Ooh! Ooh!
* Lastly, link to a friend's copy of this quiz!
I don't know anyone on GUD yet! So visit all of them.
Tuesday, May 27, 2008 / 09:18:24
Nightwish is good music (I didn't know they changed singers--I'll have to check that out). Haven't seen them perform, but I imagine they'd be an experience :)
Poem sounds interesting; novel sounds interesting. :)
Best of luck with the contest!
Now I'm going to go contemplate what a life written by Gaiman and Robbins would be like... strange and surreal yet somehow more childlike in its fantasticality...?
Tuesday, May 27, 2008 / 09:56:20
Chivalry by Neil Gaiman from his collection, Smoke and Mirrors.
Mrs Whitaker finds the Holy Grail in an Oxfam Shop.
What was the last poem you read?
Crow by Stephen Morse
* What was the last comic you read?
The Sandman, Endless Nights
* What was the last movie you watched?
In he mood for love, Wong Kar Wai was the last one I watched all the way through. I tend to wander around a bit when movies are showing.
* What song are you listening to now? Say something about it--what it means to you, who introduced you to it, something like that.
First Orgasm by Dresden Dolls. I thought the line
And then i sit down to check my inbox
referred to masturbation. It should do. Her lyrics read like flash fiction. I want to write something after listening to them.
I was introduced to the Dresden Dolls by Dolly Decay who is currently residing in Canada.
* What's your guilty-reading pleasure?
a choice of Anglo-Saxon Verse by Richard Hamer
* Say something about the last poem you wrote!
Didn't right no peom
* Say something about a story you're writing now!
It's finished. About a guy having an out of body experience. 74 words.
* If you were a fictional character, who would be writing you?
Laurence Sterne
* Last story you recommended to someone?
central intelligence by pedro ponce which I found at Magazine Minima
* And a link to your favorite magazine, because they probably need your help. ;)….htm
Tuesday, May 27, 2008 / 10:01:05
Check my answers at my blog:…-stuff.html
Have fun!
Tuesday, May 27, 2008 / 11:44:49
Thanks crowspark and nunof22 :D
I'm already getting a lot more out of this meme than I'd expected.
Tuesday, May 27, 2008 / 13:11:08
The last book of stories I read was a nobody's nothings by Denis Sheehan. Bone Print Press.
Never saw anyone write so close to the way people talk, like no barrier between TALK and
WRITE. And always streettalk/bedtalk/real-worldtalk:
"Do you want to bone me?" she asked with her mouth against my ear?
("The Squeeze")
What was the last poem you read?
"Dolls" by Kristine Ong Muslim: "These brides reek of blood/their front of white makes/their
wounds disappear." In the Spring, 2008 of GUD.
I like stuff that mirrors the real-real world, not classroom bullshit like too many
poets around. That's why I always liked Buk.He was a good pal of mine in L.A. in the old days.
What was the last movie you watched?
I've been watching films made from Dickens' novels: David Copperfield, Oliver Twist,
Great Expectations, Martin I'm watching a movie made from George
Eliot's Daniel Deronda. I love the image that emerges from these films of the Rich versus
the Poor, how miserable the poor live and how the rich are always on the brink of losing
everything. I loved the whole Jewish ghetto picture in Daniel Deronda. Unbelievably realistic.
What are you listening to right now?
I'm listening to a CD of Richard Strauss' songs sung by Elisabeth Schwarzkopf. He's one
of my super-favorites. My favorite is Der Rosenkavalier. Where I live here next to MSU
it's concert-time full-time....mostly students from Georgia (Russia) or South Korea....
in the Spring, especially, there's usually two concerts a night.
What's your guilty reading right now?
I'm reading one of the most interesting books ever written, Rychard Denner's BERKELEY
DAZE: PROFILES OF POETS IN BERKELEY IN THE '60s. Just back from a revival celebration,
40th anniversary of the big 1968 Poetry Big Bam...I was there. It's fascinating to get back
into the hippy mentality. We could use a little of that right now....
What's the last poem you wrote?
Here it is. After getting back from Berkeley:
I’d like to start all over again, maybe in the world
of Louis XIV, a Duke...or forget that duke shit, how
about just ME starting all over with The All Childrens’
Grand Opera, Carmen, Sir Thomas Beecham on the
podium, me next to thirteen year old Louis Altiss
(“Je t’aime..aime...aimeâ€:) afternoon walk through
Monet-ville at the Art Institute, watching the old chessdogs
playing in Plaza Quinzein Florianópolis,Brazil, an
afternoon in Amsterdam...the fragments wholeified
again into me alive with worlds of Be’s still in front
of me, instead of.....
If you were a fictional character, who would be writing you?
Dickens. One of those character with a little cash, just on the edge of a big CRASH.
What's your favorite magazine?
GUD is my favorite of favorites. ALIVE, that's the key, full of hope and FUTURE.
It's honestly like going back to 69 in Berkeley and seeing the world full of a dream
of Heaven on Earth instead of The Evening News that is nothing more than warmed-
over nightmares.
Thursday, June 5, 2008 / 13:56:23
And yes, life for me is strange, surreal, fantastic in a childlike way, and and not at all like my parents said it would be--which is both good and bad sometimes. :-)
Monday, June 9, 2008 / 13:51:49
"Will You Please be Quiet, Please?" by Raymond Carver. The last story in a collection of same name. Good stuff, very subtle. Too subtle for me, but still good stuff.
* What was the last poem you read?
"how i learned" by Justin Hyde, in Word Riot. I can't get enough of that guys' stuff.
* What was the last comic you read?
* What was the last movie you watched?
"Stand by Me" with all kinda' foot notes and inside info scrolling on bottom of screen... on AMC I think.
* What song are you listening to now?
"August" by Avail. Heard it on my U.S. Bombs Radio on Pandora and it stuck. Excellent lyrics like: 'if there's such thing as a payback, how high is the price on my head?"
* What's your guilty-reading pleasure?
BassMaster Magazine.
* Say something about the last poem you wrote!
* Say something about a story you're writing now!
Writing a female character is hard.
* If you were a fictional character, who would be writing you?
Others would say Bukowski, I would say Kerouac. Others would probably be right.
* Last story you recommended to someone?
"Painlessness" by Kirstyn McDermott in GUD issue 2. Like a slow punch in the chest.
* And a link to your favorite magazine, because they probably need your help. ;)
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