News: GUD Goes to WisCon
Monday, May 19, 2008

GUD Goes to WisCon
This year's WisCon is being held at the Concourse Hotel in Madison, Wisconsin from the 23rd May to the 26th--and GUD is going to be there. You'll find our splendiferous magazine sharing a dealer's table with other goodies from SLF presses. None of our scary staff will be there, though, so if you care to buy a copy (or two, or three), nobody will snatch any ms you happen to be carrying and put a 'Rejected' sticker on it. Honest!
We're also planning GUD freebies for anyone who attends WisCon, so watch this space :). Stop by the speculative literature foundation booth and ask for GUD's promo code. If nobody knows what you're talking about, email kaolin at gud magazine and he will attempt to set things right—he kind of dropped the ball on it.
Mention of the World's Leading Feminist SF Convention reminded me that there's been concern in the SF community lately about the representation of women's writing in the SF magazines (and awards). Many editors have been anxious to establish their credentials in this area. So why should we be left out?
I can't tell you the proportion of women to men submitting to GUD. We don't routinely track that data, and we received just shy of 1,600 submissions for Issue Three alone. A few too many to check through. We don't slush blind, either, although many of our contributors have usernames that aren't immediately gender specific.
I can tell you, however, that we have 43 discrete pieces slated to appear in Issue Three, and they break down as follows:
Art--Twelve pieces
Seven by F artists / Five by M artists (including the cover)
Poetry--eleven pieces
Seven by F poets / Four by M poets
Prose--nineteen pieces
Eight by F writers / Eleven by M writers
Reports--one piece
One by an M writer
Overall, twenty-two pieces by Fs as against twenty-one pieces by Ms. Works out as a nice balance, I think :), albeit an inadvertent one. GUD is also international--we have contributors living in Scotland, Israel, and France, to name but a few. It's not who you are, or where you are, but what you can bring to the magazine that counts. And our Issue Three contributors have brought a feast.
2 comments; 0 subscribers
fiction: 11 M / 9 F
poetry: 6 M (4 unique) / 3 F
reports: 2 M
art: 6 M (2 unique) / 3 F
comics: 2 M
[TOTAL]: 27 M (21 unique) / 15 F
Issue 1, Sue Miller Chief Instigator:
fiction: 9 M / 9 F
poetry: 8 M (3 unique) / 2 F (1 unique)
reports: 1 M
art: 6 (5 unique) / 3 (2 unique)
[TOTAL]: 24 M (18 unique) / 14 F (12 unique)
Issue 2, Sal Coraccio Chief Instigator:
fiction: 12 (11 unique) / 3 F
poetry: 2 M / 3 F
art: 8 M (6 unique) / 1 F
[TOTAL]: 22 M (18 unique) / 7 F
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Do I really think anyone who's reading this posting at this late date is actually on their way to WisCon, and will be able to take advantage of this knowledge? Well, no, not really; I'm just bragging about our contributors! More reasons to check us out. :)