News: Issue 3 -- Mechanical Flight!

Monday, June 11, 2007

DaVinci's human-powered ornithopter
We're giving Issue 3 a twist, a theme--Mechanical Flight. 

Debbie Moorhouse, who joined GUD as a copyeditor after her story Sundown was published in Issue 0, is Instigator for Issue 3.

She says, "Think aircraft, helicopters, airships, balloons, gyrocopters, HOTOL (anyone else remember HOTOL?), but not dragons (unless they're cyborgs). Think outside the black box."

Debbie's looking for stories with strong plots that grab her from the get-go. She's also looking for some Flash fiction (1k and under) that doesn't necessarily fit the theme, just to break things up a bit, and poems to fill in the cracks.

Art should demonstrate a sound grasp of composition, and should riff on the theme rather than directly illustrating it.

In non-fiction, she'd like to see complex and/or technical issues discussed in accessible terms. Let's go!

We look forward to your submissions--and please, let us know what you think!

Note that we're still looking for an article or two, and maybe a bit more art, for Issue 2.

- reddit, digg, facebook, stumbleupon, etc... please! ;)
posted by kaolin

2 comments; 0 subscribers

Wednesday, June 13, 2007 / 08:09:05
Sounds like fun! Am I correct to think that submissions for issue 3 will be open through the end of the year?
Wednesday, June 13, 2007 / 10:08:56
That's probably reasonable. :) Maybe a month or two shy of the end of the year, depending on how the issue seems to fill.

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