News: GUD Reviewed and Interviewed!
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
Tonight, Kaolin, Sal, and I were interviewed by Deborah Leeson on the BlogTalkRadio show, Between the Covers. For about 45 minutes, we talked about how we started GUD, what we're looking for, and we even had one of the authors from Issue 0, Janrae Frank, call in to chat with us. You can listen to the show here. We were really happy to find the host extremely excited about GUD. We hope you'll enjoy the listen.
Also today, some wonderful news came through. Doug Holder's Ibbetson Street Press's blog featured a review of GUD, written by Lo Galluccio: "Galluccio Digs GUD". Doug's blog features news from the "Boston Area Small Press and Poetry Scene" and is self-described as "A Blog that has a stream of consciousness regarding the small press publishing world. This blog will have interviews with poets and writers from the world of the small press, as well as news briefs, and random musings by Boston area poet and publisher Doug Holder." As the first issue of GUD featured a number of writers from New England, we fit neatly into their area of expertise.
Not so long ago, Tangent Online Short Fiction Review featured us with a thorough recap of all the writing in Issue 0. We can't thank Nicole McClain enough for helping to get the word out about GUD.
To help you get a feel for what we're offering in Issue 0, please check out our teasers at . If you like what you read, we'd like to offer a free story of your choice. Just email us at and name the story or poem you'd like to read, and we'll send you a free PDF of that piece.
Also today, some wonderful news came through. Doug Holder's Ibbetson Street Press's blog featured a review of GUD, written by Lo Galluccio: "Galluccio Digs GUD". Doug's blog features news from the "Boston Area Small Press and Poetry Scene" and is self-described as "A Blog that has a stream of consciousness regarding the small press publishing world. This blog will have interviews with poets and writers from the world of the small press, as well as news briefs, and random musings by Boston area poet and publisher Doug Holder." As the first issue of GUD featured a number of writers from New England, we fit neatly into their area of expertise.
Not so long ago, Tangent Online Short Fiction Review featured us with a thorough recap of all the writing in Issue 0. We can't thank Nicole McClain enough for helping to get the word out about GUD.
To help you get a feel for what we're offering in Issue 0, please check out our teasers at . If you like what you read, we'd like to offer a free story of your choice. Just email us at and name the story or poem you'd like to read, and we'll send you a free PDF of that piece.
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Wednesday, January 24, 2007 / 14:18:17
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