News: MySpace - cuz we're hip and our friends are hip.

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

GUD Magazine has a happenin' MySpace!  We now have - over 700 friends - and climbing. GUD friends, too. And we just got there! Come find us!

This is just us getting the word out because -SOON- issue zero is going to hit the printers and heat-seek its way into hot little (and large, as the case may be) hands. We've sent out payments to our authors, pre-orders are coming in (definitely do this and tell your friends, because the 10% sale will not last forever, especially after we get cocky from our inevitable success), and we're making the last proofs and edits as I write this.

Very exciting happenings, to be sure. Thank you so very much for your enthusiastic messages and support!
- reddit, digg, facebook, stumbleupon, etc... please! ;)
posted by Sal

9 comments; 0 subscribers

Sunday, November 12, 2006 / 14:38:32
how long can we still submit for issue 1?
Sunday, November 12, 2006 / 17:58:46
I think the issue is about two thirds spoken for, at the moment. We will probably still be taking items for Issue 1 for several months--at which point we'll start taking items for Issue 2. Note that we nearly have Issue 0 out the door--proofing/copyediting one last item, working on one last contract... so very, very close.
Monday, November 13, 2006 / 13:10:34
Kaolin, Just a quick technical question that perhaps you can answer for me. I submitted a story and an article a few days ago. Today I submitted a poem, and noticed that the previous two submissions no longer appear under Current Submissions on my profile. Does this mean that they have been processed, or that they were lost? I expected works under consideration to appear there--perhaps with a "Pending Review" or "Under Consideration" tag--until they were rejected or accepted. Thanks for clearing this up. Nicholas
Monday, November 13, 2006 / 13:16:51
Nicholas--it appears you've created two accounts. One (Nicholas Ozment, created November 8) with the two previous submissions, and one (Nicholas, created July 18) with the new submission.
Wednesday, November 15, 2006 / 13:03:23
another quick, but less technical question: I submitted a piece a while ago -- I think before the issue zero deadline but not sure, it might've been just after. It's still on my profile ... does it automatically get considered for issue 1 and, if so, when will I find out the status? Thanks! -- Chris
Wednesday, November 15, 2006 / 13:06:15
All pieces are automatically considered for the next open issue. We should be updating status on items held for a while as soon as Issue 0's pdf is sent to the printers.
Wednesday, November 15, 2006 / 13:07:25
Hi Chris,

Yes your piece is automatically in the runing for Issue 1. It's being considered, and is long-listed. You should be hearing from us relatively soon.
Wednesday, November 15, 2006 / 15:21:00
Thanks for the update. Glad to hear you'll be contacting the long-listed soon.
Thursday, November 16, 2006 / 08:52:08
Thank you very much for the info! Looking forward to issue 0.

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