Issue 6 cover

Moonlight Sonata for a Proto-Surrealist (minor keys only)

by Jonathan Emerson Hobratsch

Issue 6 :: Summer 2010 (poetry)

I'm walking with the Comte de Lautreamont in
New Orleans where he has never been and I am glad
to see that all that was seedy is seedy again. Though
with far fewer drunks—more room for two, besides we
belong in this poem, but only if it's night. And so it is.

The moon shines as if inverted—which means it's concave,
which means it's shining on itself—which means I can't
see the Comte's complexion, along the Mississippi—which makes the moon
a full moon and a new moon—a new full moon.


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"Moonlight Sonata for a Proto-Surrealist (minor keys only)" is roughly 250 words.

Jonathan Hobratsch was born in Dallas, Texas. He received his MFA at Texas State University in San Marcos, Texas. Currently, he lives in New York City and teaches at Pace University.