Issue 4 cover

Jesus Fucks an Atheist and Calls It Love

by Lisa Feinstein

Issue 4 :: Spring 2009 (poetry)

will never be wine,
and the willingness of the divine
to partake in sleight-of-hand trickery,
legerdemain, Houdini-brand spectacles....


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"Jesus Fucks an Atheist and Calls It Love" is roughly 310 words.

Lisa Feinstein's work has appeared in various journals such as The Vincent Brothers Review, Poetry Midwest, Flutter Poetry Journal, HazMat Review, and Up the Staircase. Her chapbook Praise for Pondo: The Series was recently published by Gold Wake Press. Lisa prides herself on being an extreme snowflake collector, a retired counterfeiter, an aspiring buttonhole maker, and an all-around nice guy. Contact/email Lisa at">