Issue 4 cover

Flotsam, 1968 - Extant

by Matthew Keuter

Issue 4 :: Spring 2009 (poetry)

We went camping to save our marriage
With your mother full as the monsoon clouds
Holding their water above next year’s canyon fires.

From the pass, the valley looked like an armpit: a
Black tangled sweat with no trees to sponge it.
Your mother couldn’t get right in any kind of clothing.


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"Flotsam, 1968 - Extant" is roughly 297 words.

Matthew Keuter is a writer living uphill in San Francisco, CA. His poetry has appeared in journals across the U.S. and in London. He has been twice nominated for the Pushcart Prize. His works for the stage have been performed in AK, AZ, CO, NY, and London. His first collection of poetry, The Short Imposition of Living, was published by Rain Mountain Press in 2008. He is currently an editor at Mudfish Art & Poetry.