Review: The Oblivion Society by Marcus Alexander Hart
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
"The Oblivion Society" by Marcus Alexander Hart
Edition 2.0
Permuted Press, 2007
$15.95 Trade Paperback
300 pages, ISBN: 0976555956
What do Bill Clinton and Monica Lewinski have to do with the apocalypse? Not much, outside of inspiring the tryst that brings it on. And, as in this review, you won't see them again after the introduction. "The Oblivion Society" is a hilarious post-dot-com, energy-drink-fueled apocalyptic romp with some fun science (somewhat abused) and clever characterizations.
The book is populated by a group of late teen/early twenties geeks, goths, and jocks. They form a ragged party trying to survive in the newly-barren urban wilderness, all the while, of course, either trying to find themselves, or finding themselves despite their best efforts not to. And strange creatures are starting to come out of the woodwork...
The story's about the characters, and that's where the conflicts and arcs shine, and where the one-liners string together page after page. A lot of the jokes were targeted for the comic- and sci-fi-geek audience, and I did find one or two fell flat when I didn't get the reference, but I got most of the references without being exceptionally well-versed, and I was laughing uproariously through most of the book. And I don't mean laughing uproariously "on the inside".
If it lacked for anything, it might have been in the somewhat lack-luster plot--but really, when your city's been nuked and the only sign of civilization is a children's show being broadcast on a loop, all you can do is wander and hope. They were off to see the wizard, but had no idea where to find him--and by the end of the book, after many personal and physical conflicts, they realized they didn't really need to find anyone else, anyway.
Both a video trailer and the first 82 pages of the book are available on came across it myself from a Project Wonderful ad on GUD Magazine's website, read the first few pages and immediately asked them for a review copy. It was everything the teaser made me hope for, and more.
- reddit, digg, facebook, stumbleupon, etc... please! ;)
33 comments; 0 subscribers
Tuesday, March 18, 2008 / 10:51:56
I'd probably be a male Vivian Gray, but the likes of Susan and Sherry are the ones sure to have fun. Gender aside, I'd go for Sherry-in-the-apocalypse, a ton-sur-ton character bound to happen in a total destruction scenario near you.
Tuesday, March 18, 2008 / 11:54:17
To be fair, I would mostly likely rather be myself. I know what it takes to get the job done.
I do, after all fight zombies on a regular basis.
Tuesday, March 18, 2008 / 14:55:39
Tuesday, March 18, 2008 / 15:11:21
Tuesday, March 18, 2008 / 18:23:18
Just looking at my interests and his, they seem somewhat the same. ha :P
Tuesday, March 18, 2008 / 18:42:44
Tuesday, March 18, 2008 / 19:38:21
he just sounds like me in a male body!! haha
Tuesday, March 18, 2008 / 20:23:52
Tuesday, March 18, 2008 / 21:30:00
Wednesday, March 19, 2008 / 08:13:31
Wednesday, March 19, 2008 / 13:14:59
Wednesday, March 19, 2008 / 13:49:12
Hell, I'm still trying to get the dough to download a GUD issue. Maybe I can steal a copy of this book...
Sunday, March 23, 2008 / 09:00:04
Tuesday, March 25, 2008 / 22:06:35
Friday, March 28, 2008 / 11:21:08
Friday, March 28, 2008 / 23:18:25
Sunday, March 30, 2008 / 07:44:12
Sunday, March 30, 2008 / 21:40:18
Have to go back up-thread and double-check -- hope you have more than one of these books, 'cause one of 'em should be MINE! And many thx!
Monday, March 31, 2008 / 04:03:17
There's a little of me in all 3.
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Stuck in a mind-numbing job, Vivian Gray can feel her underutilized brain shriveling faster than the Spice Girls' record sales. Gifted with a high IQ and a sharp sense of reason, the only thing holding Vivian back is her own paralyzing apathy.
Nick Aspen is the poster boy for... well, for anything. A professional model specializing in on-site product promotion, he may be hawking chocolate cupcakes one day and diet pills the next. Nick isn't just a pretty boy out of vanity. It's his job.
Verman Boltzmann is the manager of the local grocery store. Incompetent, chauvinistic, and drunk with power, "the Vermanator" is a portrait of a high school football star twenty years later. Verman believes that the customer is always right, even when all available evidence points to the contrary.
Bobby Gray is Vivian's twin brother, though he definitely received the short end of the genetic stick. Obsessive about new technology, he litters his world with bleeding edge electronics while he waits anxiously for the next big thing to come along. As an unemployed web programmer, Bobby has been freeloading at his sister's place, but soon the fizzling of the dot-com economy will become the least of his troubles.
Sunny Sasaki is the kind of bartender who seems to know everybody on the continent on a first name basis. After failing out of nursing school, she realized that the universal cure came not from a pharmacy, but from a cocktail shaker. With the body of a goddess and the charm of the girl next door, Sunny is out of your league, no matter what league you're in.
Erik Sievert is a man with a past. Or rather, a man in the past. As the consummate retro-geek, he shuns all pop culture that has transpired since the end of the 1980s. Working as a clerk at a dusty old collectables shop allows Erik to live in the state where he is the most comfortable. Denial.
Sherri Becquerel is one of a kind, and if you tell her otherwise you'll be collecting your teeth from the sidewalk. Rarely seen without a malt liquor in one hand and a cigarette in the other, she has a self-destructive streak that rivals that of Evel Knievel. Anti-establishment and belligerently individualistic, Sherri is, to put it lightly, difficult to get along with.
((note--not all of them survive the apocalypse))