Issue 3 cover


by Nicole Kornher-Stace

Issue 3 :: Autumn 2008 (stories)

The stunt pilot’s last flight is on a late-October afternoon, crisp and windless, and while he skims over the trees above the city through a rising smell of woodsmoke, he glances down toward the parti-colored forest with the fleeting notion that it burns.
His intentions are simple. Reaching the city, all he has left to do is climb into an empty space of sky and write his message there, then loop back toward the woods and crash in solitude. In his mind, he has a picture of the broken plane embraced by years of moss, his bones knit now by creepers, not flesh.


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"Forgetting" is roughly 950 words.

Nicole Kornher-Stace was born in Philadelphia in 1983, moved from the East Coast to the West Coast and back again by the time she was five, and currently lives in New Paltz, NY, with one husband, three ferrets, a brand-new baby boy, and many many books. Her short fiction has appeared in Best American Fantasy, Fantasy Magazine, Ideomancer, Zahir, and Rhapsoidia, is forthcoming in a yet-to-be-named anthology from Prime Books, and was nominated for the 2007 Pushcart Prize. Her first novel is due out in July 2008 from Prime Books. She can be found online at"> or">